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​Dr ​Eugenie Hunsicker joined Access in July 2022. She works in our Group Technology and Data Services as a Lead Data Scientist. She is a strong advocate for women in maths, and has produced videos and articles on the topic. Here Eugenie talks about her experience working with Access, embarking on a new career path, and using data to tackle big problems.

What 3 things do you always carry with you in your bag/pocket?

Tissues (my allergies seem to get worse and worse!) My phone (of course) Old travel receipts I keep intending to turn in but always forget

What do you do on days you feel unmotivated?

Drink more coffee and have a chat with my fantastic and inspiring colleagues around the Loughborough office.

What has been your biggest professional challenge in the last year?

I love building things. Here I am working on a ukulele in my kitchen.

Trying to wrap my brain around the very broad set of products and processes that produce data here at Access.

How has your work changed since the start of your career?

When I was looking for roles in industry last year, someone asked me why I call myself a Data Scientist. The term wasn't used when I started out in mathematics at uni. Since then, my work has gone through really abstract mathematics, numerical methods, statistics, machine learning, metrology, epidemiology, biomechanics, analytical chemistry...even philosophy. Data Science is really the only thing that is broad enough to cover it all. So I think my career and interests have pretty much grown alongside Data Science as an area of inquiry and a profession.

What do you want to do differently as your role progresses at Access?

Right now, my team and I are working on pushing our work in data science from ad hoc work to production grade model delivery, both for internal products and starting to deliver ML/AI insights in products across our divisions.

What is your favourite memory working with Access?

Ooo...that is tough. Does every lunch prepared by our fabulous new chef count? I look forward every day to both the food and the chance to talk to colleagues from around the company.

Me with several of my current PhD students I still supervise at Loughborough University

What do you think it takes to be successful at Access?

I think there are different ways to think about success that are right for different people. For me, I think it has been important to be proactive, to get out and talk to people and find out as much as I can about how everything fits together.

How would you like to see Access grow in the future?

I would really like to see it continue doing more with its data. I think we have so much we could accomplish, both to grow the company and to make the world a better place, by putting together all of the different data sources we have to solve hard problems. The first step is for us to try to bring this tremendous resource into some more unified structure that allows us to bring different streams together in new and powerful ways.

Any last thoughts?

I came to Access after a successful 30 year career in academia, looking for a role in industry where I could put my broad knowledge to work creating real-world impacts to help solve difficult problems, such as the growing demand on

Me and my friend ran out to the Access offices after I was hired because I was so excited.

overstretched elder care resources, or supply chain solutions from farm to table that help us to reduce waste and our carbon footprint. I really wasn't at all sure that anyone would be interested in hiring a 52 year old woman, whose kids just left home, looking to start out in a new direction. It is easy to feel like you are past it at that age. But it has been just amazing starting here. I learn and grow so much every day. I am so glad that Access took a chance on me!