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  • Publish Date: Posted almost 4 years ago
  • Author: Billy Baxter

My morning normally starts of with my alarm calling at 8 o'clock sharp, I like to get up a little earlier so I can get my morning espresso and update my work for the day. I am actually very much a morning person, I enjoy getting up, listening to music and watching the sun rise, Its very relaxing when you are preparing for a busy day!

I am not normally a breakfast person, I like to have something small and good for my brain, normally a banana or some nuts and fruits kick me In to gear for the day ahead. As an Associate Technical Support Engineer I will normally start my day by checking and going through my cases to see if anyone has come back to me or updated them. Working in support can be very intense and fast paced but also very rewarding, as there is lots to learn and engage yourself with.

When 9 o'clock hits the work really begins, as I normally like to update my cases half an hour before I begin, I normally start in a good place. The first hour I will take calls and work with my team to make sure we can provide equally balanced workloads across the board. The team I work with is great and are always willing to reach out and help when one person may get to consumed with cases. When 10 o'clock hits we have a small team meeting with our team leaders and other support members. I really like these meetings as it is nice to see the progress that we have had from the previous day and also just to catch up with work colleagues on how they are and what they have been up to.

The rest of my day is normally filled with phone calls and case updates. The thing I like the most about working in support is that we use a knowledge base system where you can almost learn anything from a search. It’s an amazing system that we all get to update as it goes along, which means that the articles that you read are constantly relevant and up to date. I really enjoy using this system as it feels like you are constantly learning new things. You could see an error that may make no sense to you, but after a search or two and small read you are learning about this error and how to solve the issues. We have a meeting in the afternoon at 4 for half an hour which allows us to talk about the day we have had any issues that we faces and how as a team we can both resolve and get these sorted.

Once my working day comes to an end, I like to play video games! I have met lots of friends in support who share the same passions as myself and I honestly think this is the best thing about working at Access! Pretty much every one I work with feels as much of a friend as they are a colleague and we like to hang out as much outside of work as we see each other inside of work.