We asked some of our employees to share their experiences of what working from home has been like for them during the pandemic. Today we hear from Elio Delgado who is a Customer Success Manager within our Health & Social Care Division.
I'm not entirely sure what I expected working from home to be like, but with just short of three weeks of it under my belt, I can confirm how easy it is to consume a full packet of snickers bars in less than 1.5 days…
Aside from my ever-increasing appetite, working from home has come with its challenges, including attempting to hide my barely clothed boyfriend on video conferences, the agony of moving from room to room to find the most picturesque working environment and trying out every filter on Instagram before giving up with posting a picture of my new 'Home Office'! No amount of contrast and brightness will make my dressing table and dressing gown hanging off the door ever look like a swanky home study.
As time goes by, I do find myself settling into remote working more and more. Unfortunately, my boyfriend has been furloughed meaning he is now playing house husband as I work away. Coming out of my office to hoovered floors, neatly folded washing and even a freshly baked Victoria Sponge has been somewhat surprising, but it’s been appreciated after long days. With all these changes taking place, it’s lovely to see people looking out for each other more than ever, and I feel very lucky to have such support around me both in and out of work.
Access have been great at supporting me and my team adapt to WFH. Installing and giving a crash course on Microsoft Teams, sending out headsets, and signing us all up to various webinars to help with prospecting during this current situation has been very much appreciated.
My main take away from this is that we can get through this. There have been lots of changes and still many that we are no doubt struggling with (anyone else now thinking about what to have for tea all day because you know the fridge is right there?), however its helped me realise how much support there is available at Access and how dedicated the company is to making 'the new normal' as….well…normal, as possible!